Jinan Pingyi Chamber of Commerce, 2018, the first president's office will be held in our company


New Age, New Responsibility, New Process, New Weather. In order to better serve the member companies and do a good job in various tasks in 2018, the first meeting of the president of the Pingyao Chamber of Commerce in Jinan in 2018 was successfully held in the conference room on the third floor of Jinan Lujing Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on March 20, 2018. Held. The conference was chaired by Xu Wenhui, vice president and secretary-general of the Jinan Pingyi Chamber of Commerce. Sun Hua, president of the Jinan Hiratsuka Chamber of Commerce, and vice president and deputy secretary-general of the Chamber of Commerce attended the conference.


At the meeting, Sun Hua, President of the Pingyao Chamber of Commerce in Jinan City, made a work arrangement for the Chamber of Commerce in 2018, perfected the conference system, achieved prior issues, and made resolutions afterwards to enable the Chamber of Commerce to operate in an orderly and efficient manner; to organize member companies to participate in various platform exhibitions, focusing on On the basis of risk prevention, basic policies such as financing support for member companies will be increased. The office will adhere to the principle of jointly discussing, co-building, and sharingand will provide strong support to the members from the External Relations Department, the Legal Department, the Ministry of Activity, and the Ministry of Finance to help establish the image of the members and greatly promote the visibility of the members. . In accordance with the overall work arrangement of the Chamber of Commerce in 2018, we will earnestly implement the work plan for each department in 2018, vigorously promote the charity activities of the Chamber of Commerce, and vigorously organize charitable activities for serving poor children in our hometown, so as to provide our people with the power to contribute.

The leaders of the conference actively gave speeches and the meeting was solemn and full of life. The meeting actively promoted the 2018 annual event plan to create a new situation for the Jinan Pingyi Chamber of Commerce and promote the work of the Chamber of Commerce in 2018 to a new stage and compose a new chapter in history.


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